Berry Building Materials Trdg



  • Seller Type Business
  • Company Name BIRI GROUP
  • Keyword(s) Traffic Safety Products | Plastic Pipes & Hoses | Building & Construction Materials | Road Traffic Signs | Dubai Police | Sharjah RTA | Deira City Center | Traffic Cones | Sign Boards
  • WhatsApp


Biri group is a trading and manufacturing group, we have started our activity since 1973 in Aleppo, and our remarkable group comprises different establishments which deliver wide range of products and services.

This flourishing entrusted reliable group keeps expanding throughout without waiving our precious values even though this costs us a little bit deceleration in a speedy out of breath business world.

In a wide business world dominated by media and offers diversity in choices, some companies really respected their values while the majority unfortunately didn't, therefore customers start to lose their faith in these companies which they have been once very loyal to, simply because they always give big promises which they usually can't keep. 

Biri group has realizes this fact years ago, our approach was always to 
keep our word in order to keep our customers.

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Ad ID : 92
Head Office - Al Garhoud , In front of GGICO Metro station . AL Arcade Building Shop No. 3

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berryllc (1)
+9xxx xxxxx show
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Berry Building Materials Trdg

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