Al Dhabi Scaffolding & Framwork

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  • Company Name Al Dhabi Scaffolding & Framwork LLC
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About ADSF Overview

Al Dhabi Scaffolding & Formwork L.L.C is a formidable name in the scaffolding industry and operates throughout the United Arab Emirates (UAE) through its central offices in Dubai and its factory facilities in Abu Dhabi. At Al Dhabi we believe in the mantra “Build Strong, Build with Quality” and this belief has transformed us into a major provider of high quality construction industry products and services.

High Quality Standards
iso9001 Our construction products meet the rigorous demands of international construction codes and British safety standards. At Al Dhabi we ensure that our materials and equipment are readily available to meet the demands of our national and international customers, while ensuring that the services provided conforms to our entire client’s requirements at all times.
Dedicated Work force

At Al Dhabi a large part of our achievements are due to having a highly skilled and competent work force comprising of skilled technicians, trained managers with international expertise, and highly qualified civil engineers.

Optimized Processes

Our engineers are constantly involved in the design and development of Forming, Decking and Scaffolding Systems with the objective of minimizing the number of parts and formwork accessories. In turn this leads to simplification and speed of erection and dismantling, this in turn leads to labor savings and better productivity.

Our present production of 5000 tones per month is scaleable in case of increased demand, which has enabled us to meet our commitments to customers.

Our products and service range are as follows:

  1. Slab support and decking with ADLock System
  2. Quick release Shuttering System
  3. Wall Formwork with heavy duty soldiers
  4. Access scaffolding with ADLock system
  5. Medium and heavy duty props
  6. Light & heavy duty mobile towers
  7. All scaffolding fittings, tubes and accessories
  8. Aluminum Mobile Towers
  9. Light weight access scaffolding – Korean and half ladder frames.



ADLock Support  and Decking


SystemADS Heavy  Duty Soldier 


SystemFormwork and  Falsework



Accessories Panel  Shoring 



SystemWall Form  System


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Ad ID : 84
Dubai Al Dhabi Scaffolding Rental LLC Office 2, M Floor, Block B Swaidan Building Sheikh Zayed Road, Al Quoz 3 Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

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Al Dhabi Scaffolding & Framwork

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