
  • Seller Type Business
  • Employees 201-500
  • Model Year 2016
  • Company Name Exeed Cars UAE
  • Total Annual Revenue Above US$1 Million
  • Establishment Year 2014
  • Body Condition Perfect inside and out
  • Mechanical Condition Perfect inside & out
  • Transmission Type Automatic Transmission
  • Technical Features All Wheel Drive


Exeed Cars, a prominent player in the automotive industry, is famous for providing premium goods and state-of-the-art services. As part of the prominent Al Ghurair group, they have established showrooms in both Dubai and Abu Dhabi, establishing their presence in the UAE.

Exeed Cars is distinguished by its devotion to fusing simplicity, purity, and intelligence in its automobiles, offering an exceptional driving experience with a strong focus on utmost safety. SUVs like the EXEED TXL and EXEED VX, which have potent engines, maximum torque, and comfortable seating capacity, are among the noteworthy models in their lineup. Exeed Cars goes above and beyond to ensure client happiness by supplying great vehicles, one-of-a-kind discounts, and thorough after-sales assistance. Exeed Cars UAE is leading innovation and excellence in the automotive industry, with models including the EXEED VX, EXEED TXL, EXEED LX, and EXEED RX.

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Ad details

Ad ID : 695
D74 Al Ittihad Rd - Al Khabaisi - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Seller details

exeed.UAE (1)
04xxx xxxxx show
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Exeed Cars UAE

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