Official Cat® Machinery Dealer



  • Seller Type Business
  • Employees 2001-3000
  • Model Year 2017
  • Company Name Mohamed Abdulrahman Al-Bahar
  • Total Annual Revenue Above US$1 Million
  • Keyword(s) boom lift, earth movers, construction equipment, heavy machinery, power generators and work tools
  • WhatsApp NA


Official Cat® Machinery Dealer

  • All products are manufactured to strict quality standards
  • Products come with a warranty so you can be rest assured knowing the job will be done
  • Over 75 years of machinery trading experience in the region with a reputation built on trust

When you are purchasing or renting equipment from a machinery trader you want to make sure that the name can be trusted. And in this region, you cannot find a name as trusted as Al-Bahar – the official Cat Machinery Dealer in the Middle East. That’s because with years of experience in the region we understand when you start work, problems like engine malfunction and the reliability of the machines or tools should not undermine the outcome of the job.

At Al-Bahar we make sure you have the very best quality and reliability when it comes to construction equipment, heavy machinery, power generators and work tools so you can enjoy the assurance that comes with Al-Bahar. 


  • New

  • Used

  • Rental




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Ad ID : 188
Mohamed Abdulrahman Al-Bahar L.L.C, Plot No. 36, Sector M-15, Mussafah

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Official Cat® Machinery Dealer

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